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Ultrabooks Substitute Notebooks - Blogger Tricks

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Blogger Tricks - Personal computing has seen many evolutions occur in the segment operating systems, especially with Windows that develop from year to year from Windows XP to Windows 8.

Personal computing segment has seen a lot of experimentation when it comes to hardware, too. He has come in many form factors: desktop computers, notebooks, tablet with stylus, PDAs and handhelds, tablets and phones the new generation of advanced computing.

With all the recent changes to hit the industry and all the innovations taking place around him, it's time we look at what's relevant and what is not in the PC segment.

With the release of Apple's innovative products, the introduction of the tablet with a thin and light form factor, there have been talks rumors going around that the Desktop PC is dead. So let me justify. Desktop PC is not dead and will not, but the change is something you definitely can expect. Traditional desktop keyboard and mouse with powerful hardware here, and to perform most tasks, we all still need a desktop.

Tablets are also wonderful. They do their work well, especially as content consumption device. So who made the phone daily, which must be intelligent, allowing us to eliminate the need to carry a separate music player, digital camera and so on. So where will change to happen now? Look about you and you already know what I'm talking about. Notebook!

It really could be a personal choice, but I'm not a fan of Notebook. I have a desktop only, usually new every year, as I like Windows and I am attached to my desk most of the day time. And when I move, I would stick to my smart phone to virtually all of my basic needs - and if I get some extra time and need a little more to satisfy my internet or digital needs, I can pull my tab.

Then where the notebook comes in to play? They are a piece of hardware with a low battery weight and needs more maintenance. This was once a symbol of status - bringing them all around us. Gone are the days. With all due respect, notebook, you are the reason why we even have a fire of rumors about the death of all PCs.

Like all old technology is dying, during the transition from, bad to good, there was always a middle-man, who only appear and disappear like sparks. For example, Pager! They are small devices that appear between the transition landlines to mobile phones.

So is the Netbook. This is expected to satisfy those who are not satisfied with the tab, or a notebook. Netbook Notebook should serve the purpose and Tab at the same time, working as a low-cost entity. But I guess they are not really replacements for notebooks. Just not strong enough. The idea is to set strict limits for Internet usage. What about the computing power? A larger "No".

So something new had to be there. And last year the same imagine Intel. They want a small powerful computing in an ultra-thin form factor, with a battery that is very durable. And they called Ultrabooks.

What is Ultrabooks?

In short, Ultrabooks is the notebook itself. Standardization of hardware what makes them different genre from the notebook. As I mentioned earlier, the book Ultra-thin, powerful notebook with amazing technology of modern hardware and longer battery life. It bridges the gap between the older generation of tablets and notebooks.

Technically, Ultrabooks must follow strict guidelines hardware from Intel.
  1. Screen size: 13 "screen sizes, ultrabook must be thinner than 18 mm. 17 "or larger screens must be thinner than 21 mm.
  2. Batteries: must be greater than 5 + hours of full employment
  3. Processor: should second-generation or above Intel processor designed specifically for higher performance and lowest power consumption
  4. Optical Drive: not required
  5. Technology: Thunderbolt, USB 3.0, Bluetooth 3.0 etc. if any.
  6. Wi-Fi: Mandatory
  7. Wimax + 3G: Necessary but not mandatory
  8. Boot: Requires Intel sandy bridge type of fast storage (boot elements are stored on the chip from the mainboard to close for an instant boot)
  9. Touch screen: Required to Haswell ultrabooks generation (Windows 8 ultrabooks)
The first notebook in line is the Asus UX21 Ultrabook, 0.67-inch laptop that is thinner than the MacBook Air, including 11.6-inch screen, a USB 2.0 port and a brand new USB 3.0 port. Ultrabooks is expected to have instant-on feature, which will allow you to quickly flip open your laptop and use it immediately. Most also will carry a powerful modern processors, modern hardware specifications such as USB 3, Thunderbolt etc. Four ultrabooks system builders submitted by Sandy Bridge CPU currently: Acer, Asustek, Samsung and Toshiba. In the future, Intel plans to work on Haswell, 22nm processor architecture to follow the Ivy Bridge, which aims to reduce power consumption while maintaining performance. Haswell aims to provide a 20 times reduction in power consumption, which will enable a mobile system for "live" nearly ten days in standby mode on a single charge. Haswell also able to complete the revolution ultrabook.

Coming to some revolutionary technical changes are made, Intel has developed a specification of the LCD panel that saves system resources by storing sufficient data to serve up the screen image without waking up the host CPU. Specification involves a transition to an embedded DisplayPort interface panel and puts less than one megabyte of memory in the electronic panel. This scheme could add up to an hour, with an average battery life of mobile systems.

Also, Microsoft and Intel that brings up a PC power management scheme called the Converged Management Platform Power, the first to be built-in into Windows 8. This approach involves the aggressive use of force scheduling of the entire system based on electrical parameters that the hardware components of the report to the system.

As you can see, it's not just cosmetic changes that ditunjolkan by Ultrabooks. They are the new race. Their sales may be slow now, but their future certainly looks bright.

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